The Writing Community Chat Show is now on Substack!
The WCCS - TOGETHER AS ONE WE GET IT DONE. We are happy with this new platform. Allowing us to find new like-minded friends.
All of you as writers can benefit from being on Substack. Join us today.
Writing is easy… isn’t it?
We all know how many hours it takes to write a draft, to edit, proofread, edit, proofread, struggle with formatting, deciding on publishing routes. And then we realize we come face to face with marketing after thinking the hard work was done. Being part of our community allows us to hold each other accountable. To help, praise, criticize and more importantly, grow together.
1. Why this community?
Our show brings you the best insight to the writing world. Showcasing the best published & self-published authors. 230 + interviews. Every episode contains brilliant snippets of writing advice and often many writing tips come with that advice too. Practical tips you can use to implement into your writing. Indie authors give advice that even the best NYT best seller can. We get that advice too. It’s all one community on this show. We share best practice and grow together.
2. We are building for the future.
The WCCS has plans to develop into a business. That business is a creative hub for creative people. Brining our community into the real world. We have ideas for author and reader party award ceremonies, yearly meet ups and more. We need the community to grow and to support us for these events to take place. Our mission is to support you. For us to do that, you need to support us too. That can be from as little as sharing this show, to subscribing and supporting us financially. There are many ways to do that. From utilizing our book promotion services, Patreon, Pay Pal donations and subscribing to Substack!
3. Be part of it.
Our main show is an hour-long interview which is streamed live on YouTube. There are also funny panel shows, discussion shows and more. Previous guests include many amazing indie authors and established ones such as: Ian Rankin, Max Brooks, Adele Parks, Sarah Pinborugh, Kristen Bailey, Kristoffer Polaha, Soman Chainini, John Yourke and many more.
If you would like to add your name to our podcast YouTube list, just get in touch and we will see if we can arrange something.
Check out our website here:
Podcast | The Writing Community Chat Show
Our Podcast here:
The Writing Community Chat Show (
Our YouTube channel here:
(1) The Writing Community Chat Show - YouTube