HELLO! You may have noticed that WCCSFEST is underway and I just wanted to let you know that we hope this is the start of an annual event. We love the feedback we are getting and think that it is a positive step in the right direction. We also LOVE how much of a community the show is creating within the Writing Community. It is wonderful to see so many people sharing and recommending the show to others!
Below is the schedule for the week that was also sent out on Email. If you are not signed up to the wix app and are not yet following us then perhaps it is a good idea to be able to keep up to date with exciting events coming your way!
In other news, I am getting very excited for my sequel book release that is set for the 14th of August! I will be going a countdown from the 1st of August. Each book in that period will remain 99p until release day. You are able to pre order the sequel now but once the release date is passed, the prices will rise! So get the pre orders in now!
That can be done here -
And finally the BEER TOKEN BOOK PROMOTION is taking off well. If you want to know more watch the video below. We have 3 shows a week that are available for book sponsors, so if you are interested, follow the steps!